Saturday, November 16, 2013

Yesterday's Action

This was yesterday...The first ever two kooks production...

Today we skated all over Old should be up tomorrow.  Still getting my nerves up after last year's Big Wipe Out.  That's why I'm the kook with the protective gear.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Go Pro Glenn Strikes Again

It's been real quiet on the surfing front so Glenn has been up-ing his editing skills
(I think I look like I'm going in sloooowwww-motion because Glenn is skating next to me--not sure)

It's gonna be flat for a bit so we may try to skate the hill I took a nasty spill on last year. I will let you know.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Looking Good Billy Ray"

Feeling Good. Hit one good one where I was going right and I did the loop-de-loop. Up, down, S turn, big bottom turn... After I got back out and what felt like 5 minutes.... Barry said, "nice ride Dave."  You surf for yourself, but it's cool when a good surfer acknowledges you.

I say, "what, what?"

Caught a quick session last night.  Popped up easy every time. I'm getting real comfortable with this board--it's the bomb. The waves had no juice. Went out again this morning--caught a couple, nothing special. Waiting for the afternoon run....and hopping. It should be working.

The girls lost their bathroom and the wetsuit is back home. Although I wish the girls were still here.  Big Wave has empty nest syndrome.