Saturday, October 25, 2014


Had to break out the winter gear. I was freezing the last few times out. There was a seal playing peek-a-boo with me today, but he was camera shy. This is what we got. Northeast Slop!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Close Orchard Beach

Outgoing slop from Gonzalo. Glenn says I suck. Oh well. I can't argue with that noise!

Yolo Gonzalo

Gonzalo is on his way out of town. As usual, not as good as advertised. As usual, I'm not as good as advertised. I put a little segment so you could see that it was pretty crowded out there. On the last wave...if you look to the top left, you can see a guy drop in on me which prevented me from making a bottom turn and forced me into the white water...bullocks....Anyway

I'm gonna suit back up and try to catch some of the last of Gonzalo--wish me luck!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ready To Retire

Just didn't have it (again) today. I am just getting into the waves waaaaaaaay too late. Got a cameo by Pretty Boy for Monica. Forget what I said yesterday, I may take out the Fish or the Log (your board Monica) out for the next session.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Pre Zolo

This was the third time out today. Getting ready for Hurricane Gonzolo. I got crushed. "Rude and crude like a pit-bull, get to the point, you're (expletive) gonna get killed!" One thing's for sure...I don't care how big the waves are Saturday or Sunday...I'm taking out the Hog.