Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ho Ho Ho

They say there are 3 days you have to surf...Christmas and....I forget the other two (maybe New Year's and Super Bowl Sunday).

Might head out later 'cause the waves are really pumping right now...of course I went out in the slop!

Friday, December 12, 2014


This is the aftermath of Damon...I'm calling it Super Soaker. I had to delete an hour of Glenn's rap 'cause it was NSFW...Anyway he's been pumpin' me to take out the log, so I did.

Glenn was out in the Super Soaker Damon yesterday and re-tore his not healed groin so he's bustin' my chops onshore.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I don't know what to tell you, other than, I am just that bad. I am considering retiring the fish as well.

Killer forecast for Wednesday at Higgins...hopefully I can get my act together. Think I'll take the green board out.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


High Tide at 11th. This was it for me. Glenn had a sweet session, catching everything and rocking 'em, but he got seriously injured on a closeout and is now out of commission.