Monday, March 16, 2015

Long Cold Winter

It's been a long, cold winter with not much action. Big Wave got a Big Gut during Hibernation--hahahahaha. So Big Gut, I mean Big Wave took out the longboard and had some fun. Now it's time to get in Big Wave Season Shape :)

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kook De Ville

Three slow-motion-kook rides

Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally Caught One

Just as the title says...I finally caught one. I wasn't out too long. Once Icicles starting forming on my hoody, I decided it was time to go. One guy gave me props on this ride. Believe me it's not that good, but it was nice to finally catch a wave.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Even Though

Even though I am semi-retired, I had to clean up my board. Usually I do this in the Fall to prepare for the Winter season. The wax on my board was straight up NASTY. So I cleaned up the board and got a fresh wax job. Now I'm ready for tomorrow's action at Higgins. Hopefully I can do something. Should have a cam for tomorrow's session.

Fresh Wax Smells Dope!!!!


So the last 3 times out my hands have been freezing. You got no footage because I was simply that bad. Today I went and got some new mittens.

We hit the Ube but couldn't get out. The waves were 1200 kilojoules. So we went to the ladies tees at 11th (discouraging-to say the least). To make matters worse, I didn't catch one wave and I am simply not having fun out there anymore so I am SEMI-RETIRED, if not permanently retired.

If that's not bad enough I see a guy on the beach with a metal detector pulling stuff up. I think he snatched my go-pro.

Silver hands were warm.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


These are the waves during Juno. We couldn't get to the spot where they were really pumping (Camp Ellis) because they had the street blocked off. This is a few roads down.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Watch The Language

Dropped a couple of F bombs (sorry). The Ube was crowded. 25 surfers and 1 sup'er. The sup'er, Glenn, killed it. Big Wave bit the big one. As usual, I let a lot of good ones go by and went for all the junk.

Str8 up Big Wave Sucks!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015


He said he didn't do it...That's Glenn's take on the Brady/Belichick Deflategate Scandal. I've given him a thousand counters, but he says..."They say they didn't do it." Naïve. I once knew a girl named, Naïvena. So there you go.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Backup Plan

Search & Rescue Team
Had the Search and Rescue Team out yesterday looking for my camera--No Dice. So I borrowed Glenn's cam today. Wouldn't you know wasn't charged. Anyway...I worked a right-hand wave. When I was done and paddling back out a short boarder said to me..."That was a sick wave you had." That was way cool. That has never happened to me before so of course I was pumped!

Glenn's Cam (not charged)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Lost At Sea

"So I made a big mistake"
Went out for the first time in 2015 with the head-mount cam. The head mount has no back up safety features. Well if it did...I eliminated it. Went for a backside wave and pearled. While pearling I reached for the cam...all was good...until I surfaced and the cam was gone. I'm hoping, maybe at low-tide I might find it, but doubt it. You've heard of finding a needle in a haystack...well this is much worse!