Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kook De Ville

Three slow-motion-kook rides

Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally Caught One

Just as the title says...I finally caught one. I wasn't out too long. Once Icicles starting forming on my hoody, I decided it was time to go. One guy gave me props on this ride. Believe me it's not that good, but it was nice to finally catch a wave.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Even Though

Even though I am semi-retired, I had to clean up my board. Usually I do this in the Fall to prepare for the Winter season. The wax on my board was straight up NASTY. So I cleaned up the board and got a fresh wax job. Now I'm ready for tomorrow's action at Higgins. Hopefully I can do something. Should have a cam for tomorrow's session.

Fresh Wax Smells Dope!!!!


So the last 3 times out my hands have been freezing. You got no footage because I was simply that bad. Today I went and got some new mittens.

We hit the Ube but couldn't get out. The waves were 1200 kilojoules. So we went to the ladies tees at 11th (discouraging-to say the least). To make matters worse, I didn't catch one wave and I am simply not having fun out there anymore so I am SEMI-RETIRED, if not permanently retired.

If that's not bad enough I see a guy on the beach with a metal detector pulling stuff up. I think he snatched my go-pro.

Silver hands were warm.