Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All Wet

One of my neighbors (who shall remain nameless) has been hounding me over the past few days, telling me that I have lost the desire to surf. So I went out today. Well that theory is all wet. I haven't lost the desire. There are simply no waves (a key component to surfing).

I took an online personality test to see what type of animal I would be. Answer...Hermit Crab. I can deal with that.

Ancient Hawaiian Surf Prayer

Ina a 'ohe nalu, a laila aku i kai, penei e hea ai :
(If there is no surf, invoke sea work in the following manner) :

"Ku mai! Ku mai! Ka nalu nui mai Kahiki mai,

(arise, arise you great surfs from Kahiki)

Alo po i pu! Ku mai ka pohuehue,
(the powerful curling waves. Arise with the pohuehue)

Hu! Kai ko'o Loa.”
(Well up long raging surf.)

If all else fails you can always offer a sacrifice to the surf gods by burning your board on the beach.

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