Sunday, September 9, 2012


Went surfing on Wednesday. Apparently my wetsuit shrunk 3 sizes. Paddling out was tough. I was afraid of the waves and my timing was way off.  Thursday, I brought Toni and George (my Bulgarian Friends) out surfing. It was their last day in Maine. Have you ever seen wounded ducks? Neither had I, until I saw these two in the water, but they had fun.

Friday I went to the hospital. I was in excruciating pain!!! I guess I have a kidney stone. Laid up all day in bed on percocet.  I once passed a kidney stone in my 20's...believe me when I tell you I fear going to the bathroom.

In true surfer fashion--Big Wave asked the doctor if he can go surfing once he passes the stone (in anticipation of good wave's on Saturday).

I woke up this morning to see over 20 people in the water with killer waves. Even though I haven't passed the stone, I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by. I rocked my best wave yet. A left. I was working the wave. Top turns, and bottom turns--it was great!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Final Day

I will miss Mina's big smile and doing Kolo with her. She is the best Kolo dancer. Plus we always make fun of Andrea's Kolo.

Andrea saying goodbye to Big Wave's and giving Big Wave's a Big Hug
 So sad...Andrea locking up shop.

Ah, but we have a Lobster Fest to attend with Fro-Becca. Fro-Becca  coined the names: Fro-Ho-Cho and Fro-Nana so she is very much a part of the team.

Boss K and Fro-Becca in a heated debate (nothing new). I think Boss K won the argument. Of course he did. Just Kidding Rebecca. Although I do think I was right.

You can't visit Maine without having a Lobster.

Andrea's First Lobster

Monday, September 3, 2012

Employee Of The Day

Employee of The Day
This is how we pump the product
 Had to bring in some more help. Check out Deena's first Fro-Ho-Cho. Wooooo!!!  If you wanna push the Fro-Ho-Cho, you need sexy girls. Guaranteed Seller!
 What's This...Andrea is teaching Deena the Kolo Dance. She doesn't have this sort of patience with Boss K.

Classic Kolo (Horsey Style)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sick As A Dog

It's hard to sell Ice Cream when you top salesperson is all bundled up. Wearing capris wrapped with two beach blankets, two sweatshirts, and a beanie.  Poor Dockay is sick as a dog and still smiling!!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012


Big Wave and Jelena enjoying the rides. I can't even tell you what we were yelling at Toni. It was not very family friendly.

Check out Toni's masterpiece. Pizza with ketchup, relish, and mayonnaise. Did I tell you these Bulgarians are crazy?

Looks to be good waves Tue, Wed, Thur! I haven't been out since March (I think). Bringing Andrea, Ivan, and Mina. Boss K is getting stoked!!!