Tuesday, January 15, 2013

One Star

Finally--one star. One star and small better than nothing. It was clean and...well one star. Caught a few but only two good ones. I'm starting to get this bottom turn down. Had one where I was up and going right...Eugene was up and going left (Eugene is a good surfer--and ding repair guy if you back track)...anyway I was gonna bail--screw that it was my best ride. Plus we were miles apart, but still heading towards each other.

This pic is Glenn. He doesn't like to change in the parking lot. He'd rather be a kook. Glenn was out at dawn patrol yesterday and didn't call me.  He gets a double kook for that!!!

PS I gotta be nice 'cause I'm operating on Glenn's computer. BWD caught a virus looking at...well...Big Wave got a virus. That should probably get a kook star as well.

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