Sunday, February 10, 2013

Post Nemo

Hit Dawn patrol...I'm getting worse and worse while Glenn is getting better and better. Caught one right and got tossed on a few others. Two nasty spills while walking the beach. One on the way out and one on the way back in. The sand was frozen and I bit it hard. I'm gonna have to check my board to make sure I didn't damage it. Tides and kilo Joules aren't working with us today, but we'll try again around 2:00.

I had to get out of the water early--my toes were frozen and I had a water bubble in my wetsuit. Not Good!

(Back Track Jan 31 afternoon session [computer down]) Glenn killed the afternoon session with two sweet lefts--serious trim.  The following day he did it again. Big Wave only got one ride, but did a floater (Google surfing floater--pretty dope).

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