Friday, March 9, 2012

New Year

The paddle out was killer. A lot of (all) shortboarders at Higgins. About half way out I could see they were rippin' so I caught some white wash in. I didn't want to get in the way. I scoped out my own little section. A huge wave was coming my way. I wasn't sure if I wanted to grab it (due to position) and said to myself," take the beating like a man." I started to make the drop and sure enough...I took a beating.

Today (or yesterday) is the start of my third year surfing. On March 8, 2010 I caught my first ankle biter. They say it takes 2-3 years to get good at surfing. I hope that's true because you woulda thought today was my first day.

(Hanalei Bay 2010. Big Wave doesn't look too bad for his first time)


  1. Its been 12 days since the last post ... Is Big Wave Dave OK?


    1. Well another 4 days has past and still no post ... its now been 16 days .... are the waves really that bad.



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