Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Big Cats

The reports down here are no different than back home--a lot of junk. I was gonna go to Daytona today, but saved 6 hrs driving by making a few calls. I'm going to Cocoa Beach Thursday no matter what.

Went to Big Cat Rescue in Tampa. This is not a zoo. Big Cat Rescue is the largest accredited sanctuary in the world dedicated entirely to abused and abandoned big cats. Big Cat Rescue is home to more than 100 exotic big cats. The cats at Big Cat Rescue are here for a variety of reasons, including: Abandoned by owners who wrongly thought they would make good pets (like the cuckoo in Ohio), Abused by owners in order to force them to perform, Retired from performing acts, Saved from being slaughtered to make fur coats, etc.

Here's how the cat's spent Halloween.

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