Thursday, December 9, 2010


The people at Xcel are cool. They're gonna call Liquid Dreams tomorrow and issue a credit on my wetsuit. They think I may be allergic to the Bamboo fibers in the suit. Xcel is located in Oahu, the surfing capital of the world. They don't fool around. "Good Service is Good Business."

I know, all the women have been telling me, "Big Wave you have very sensitive skin."


  1. Yeah, right, all the women! You certainly have them schmoozed!!!

    Good thing there are things you can do about the rash - and that the company is compensating. KEEP YOUR JOB; IT'S A GOOD ONE!!

    You can quote John Lennon if you like his words, but stay away from the nasty stuff he smoked.


  2. Simmer down there, Fred. Let's keep this forum family friendly on the real.

  3. I try hard to keep it clean and family friendly, but the blog statements are sometimes rather 'leading' and tempt my viler nature.



This is a family friendly forum, Let's keep it clean