Saturday, November 24, 2012

That's What I'm Sayin'

Can I get a Woohoo? Was struggling for a while, but so was everyone else. Then I caught this mean wave. (Ken if you're still reading I rode it from the red roof to Camp Comfort). The wave was sick and I was working it. It was my longest ride by far and it was a right. I hung out at Camp Comfort for a while thinking I'd catch a left back, but hey rights were coming. Then I popped up, went down the face way to fast, did a bottom turn and got back up high to trim the wave....Woohoo!!! It's about time!

1 comment:

  1. It's 1:54a.m. and I'm up. Glad you got a good ride. I was pretty stoked about some of the drop-ins I had on the August. Hoping to get in today but not sure about the surf. Good times BigWave.........


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