Sunday, May 5, 2013

Right Frame Of Mind

Nice Action Photo
Went out with a new mindset today. I figure I'm out there between an hour and an hour and a half so I'm gonna go after everything hard--attack the waves. That didn't help. I still started out slow. Then I see this orca out there and she's killing it--catching everything is site and rocking 'em. Eventually I started to catch some. About a half dozen rides but nothing worthwhile. My last ride was the best (which is not saying much).  This green board is in my head. I'm way over thinking it and overly concerned with my position on the board. At the end of the day...
"Same as it ever was, same as it ever was"

Took Mark skateboarding yesterday. He's way better at boarding than surfing.  That's him riding Seacliff.

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