Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bright & Early

Shot down to Ogunquit first thing to get some winter gear. The guy was a half hour late opening--typical surfer. Technology is amazing!!! I was actually hot out in the water today (warmer than in my apartment). Downside to the winter gear is it's a chest zip. Getting out of this thing is like pulling a Houdini act. Getting in isn't much easier. For my next trick, I will escape from a straight jacket.

I caught 11 of the 15 waves I went after. One wave I thought was gonna break right but it broke left. I had to change my angle midstream to go left. Putting Ru Hill's advice to practice. I was also hunting the waves today and competing with other surfers for them. We were so far outside I could actually see Scarborough Beach from the lineup. !!!

I got the winter gear at Black Friday prices. I also picked up "Pipeline Masters" and "Billabong Trilogy" so tonight's agenda is set. Oh, on Black Friday I hit a hot yoga class with Deena (tough stuff). Then goofy Deena and goofy Dave hit a double feature. We are experts at choosing bad movies.


  1. Nice pics. Deena looks like a hot chick. What flicks did you see that were so bad? New suit sounds like the right thing for winter, hard to get into and out of or not.


  2. Oh I have a list of bad movies we've seen over the years. Too many to name here. Yeah, this wetsuit is very difficult to get out of--it's quite the process.


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