Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today was more suited for "old trusty" which now finds itself hanging on the wall. I need to get a double-decker strap so I can bring both boards with me. Right now I like playing with my new toy. Everyone seems to be asking me what type of board it is, so I think I'm gonna get some neon paint and write, "It's a POP-OUT" on both sides.

Hit my first drop with the new board and out ran a couple of sections. One ride was kinda neat. The wave had already crashed. I was in white water so I just rode it in on my belly. Then I could see the wave was gonna reform so I started to paddle, popped up and rode the wave. Also did my first turtle with the new board. Coincidentally, I did turtle (Kurmsana) for the first time at yoga yesterday. Neither one was very graceful.

Met an older gentleman, Steve, out in the line-up. He had snow-white hair and stache. He was rockin' the waves. I hope to be as good as him some day and definitely keepin' the stoke alive at that age. It was inspirational!!!

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