Saturday, July 10, 2010

Amateur Hour

I helped my friend, Mary, install some windows this morning. First window, right off the bat, I get stung by a hornet/wasp (or something) right on the tip of my nose--easy target!

Went surfing tonight--good-sized waves. I don't know what's going on, I'm so confused. Ride the inside, hang way outside 'cause you got a longboard. If I'm hangin outside, I'm gonna wait for bombs. That's what my instructor, Justin, told me at the 'BU. Barry tells me to move up on my board. Yeah, I'm pearlin so hard. I was doin' fine just a few days ago...even yesterday. Like I said, I'm really confused right now. I may even skip dawn patrol tomorrow ('spose to be good too).

Even walking back to my car, I hear something. Nah, nothing. Wait, I hear it again. Yeah my leash is dragging on the ground--what a Kook!!! I really think I am being tested today.

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