Thursday, July 15, 2010

Scared Straight

At first I thought it was gonna be one of those days where I didn't have it. Then things started coming around. Today was the first time, I think, that I did a legitimate bottom turn. Sitting waiting for the waves, I see something jump out of the water (it was about 5 feet long). Also for the first time, I caught the very next wave out of heart was racing.

I was cleaning my board (removing old wax) when I noticed all these little cracks. I was afraid they were dings in the board. So I drove down to Kennebunk to have the guy check it out. He said everything was fine--Phew!! He also told me if I removed two fins my board will turn much easier. It will be loosey goosey! I can't wait to go out with one fin.

This is the window we had to pass my board through when I bought it

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