Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mt. Katahdin

July 28th--Day Two

Katahdin is the highest mountain in Maine and the Northern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail. We hit 'em bright and early. This was no problem, I don't think I slept at all in that shack. We hiked the Abol Trail,the shortest and steepest trail at Katahdin--also the oldest. Abol is rated as a III/IV trial, the only trail having a class IV rating. There is about a 1.8 mile section called the Abol slide or the rock slide.
The footing is sketchy at best. With each and every step, rocks and sand slide from beneath your feet. In fact, the trail was created from a rock slide. We hiked down with a kid who was just finishing a 5 month hike of the A.T. (2,178 miles from Georgia to Maine).

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