Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lousy Accommodations

July 27th--Day One
Fred hooked us us with these lousy accommodations. An 8 x 8 lean-to with no running water. If you look to the right, that's Fred's spread with a queen-sized air mattress. That's my little nook over to the left. I slept with a 2 x 4 jambed in my back and another pressed up against my head. Expert outdoorsman Fred failed to tell me I would need a pillow, so I stuffed all my clothes into the sleeping bag case to create a make-shift pillow (Fred's suggestion). Fred also tossed, turned and got up all night...I woke up in a cold sweat thinking a bear was in our hut!!!
Fred did, however, utilize his boy scout/military experience to stoke the flames and create a blazing fire. The second pic is inserted simply to show that I am rocking it old school with the Gazelle's

Fred, I forewarned you that you would get dissed in this entry!

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