Thursday, June 10, 2010

Go with your gut

I went to Higgins and asked a guy how it was out there. He told me not to waste my time. So I played the merry-go-round game. Actually it was the carousel game 'cause I was going counter clockwise. Went to Ogunquit and Wells only to end up back at Higgins. By listening to this guy that's what I did--waste my time. I don't know what he needs for waves, but I know what I need and I should have just stayed put.

I've reported of catching ankle bitters, well today I met Buddy, the chihuahua, a real ankle bitter.

Again today, another neighbor told me that she has never seen me so relaxed. Honestly, although only a part-time yogi, I think the relaxed state comes from letting go of the ego. Really!

All of my retired friends loved the "Well you can stick your nine to five livin'..." from yesterdays blog. I think that's funny!!!

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