Monday, June 7, 2010


If there is magic on the planet, it is contained in the water - Loren Eiseley

I was awoken this morning by my neighbor, Fred, outdoorsman/adventurer, who told me we were kayaking the Scarborough Marshes tonight. I've been kayaking in the past with Fred to Bluff Isle, Stratton Isle, Negro Isle and Wood's Isle. Hopefully we will hike Mount Chocorua soon as last year's hike got postponed.

With no time to spare, I hit Old Orchard so I could be home in time for the kayak trip. I trimmed the wave for the first time--definitely cause for celebration!

The marshes were awesome. They are vast. They snake around seemingly endless. On the way home, Fred showed me the Eastern Trail, an 80 mile bike path from Kittery to South Portland. I actually live on the Eastern Trail (who knew). Next adventure set--bike off road from the marshes to Higgins Beach.

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