I knew it was gonna be a good day when I woke up and I could hear the waves rumbling. So I went to ole faithful, Higgins. Surprisingly, nothing. I called my lookout in Pine Point, nothing. I decided to hike it down to Long Sands in York. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was out of control. The sets were non-stop and I was the only one there. Caught a lot of waves. I hit one drop, did one kickout, but mostly a lot of cruising. That's what I do on my big banana boat. As I was leaving, people were honking their horns and throwing me shakas--that was cool.

Upon arriving home, I started to lick my chops. Old Orchard was huge--I had to hit it. Unfortunately, it was too big for me. I didn't catch one ride, I just got tossed. It was a good learning lesson. I was way too tired and hadn't eaten all day. In fact, I was dangerously close to some rocks and I simply couldn't get out of the way. I thought for sure the wave was gonna throw me and my board into the rocks and snap my board. Some how, some way, the wave carried me and my board over the rocks. Lesson learned! I should have known better, the waves in Maine drift you to the left, so start on the left of the rocks Einstein.
Anyway, it was a great day and the girl at the surf shop says tomorrow is gonna be even better and 80 degrees to boot.
I was so spent after the OOB episode that I came in and took a bath. How funny is that. Now I'm just chillin with some green tea and gearin up for tomorrow.