Sunday, May 2, 2010

"It's been a long time since I..."

Since last Saturday actually when I left on a high note. After that outing I got a little boo-boo and Dr. Caroline Foust-Wright, gynecologist, (long story) recommended I stay out of the water for a little bit. So I was back at it today and my first ride was really good--I should have left. Up, down--weeble wabble--up, down all day. I got some advice from some short-boarders. Two hours later, I caught my second ride. My timing was off all day, I even dropped my towel when changing. At least it looks as though the Vaseline helped with my wetsuit rash!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're doing well with no more injuries from surfing ;) --Caroline Foust-Wright


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