Sunday, May 23, 2010

Living the Dream

This morning I was doing Uttihita Trikonasana. Tonight I'm cacthing waves.

When I first got to Higgins there were 35 surfers in the lineup. Pressure. I waited and watched. The others weren't letting the wave grab 'em. I've been there. I caught the first two I went after...a real confidence booster in a lineup. Two guys starting going after and hogging every wave. I would let them take 'em and grab the one right behind. This worked out well because they were real locals. Because I had good etiquette and more importantly I didn't make a stink...they started talking to me in the water and giving me pointers. It's like Namaste. I waited for a long time for my last wave...I was not gonna paddle in and I'm glad I waited because the last wave rocked!

Tomorrow, I reverse the order. Surf in the morning and Yoga in the evening. I think the title says it all.

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