Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feel the calmness, feel the stillness

I had to go in to the office today to tie up some loose ends. The mailman asked, "Dave, why aren't you surfing?" I called a customer who has some product to pick up. We couldn't agree on a time and she asked, "why, are you going surfing?" Her daughter is a surfer.

At yoga last night, during one pose, Melora (instructor) said, "feel the calmness, feel the stillness." I tried to transfer that to the waves. I was on fire today. I was surfing with a girl who has been surfing for 20 years and she gave me advice on making the turn. My last ride, I did a backside turn.

When leaving she needed help getting out of her wetsuit. When I pulled the sleeve off, she popped out of her bikini top. She didn't even know and kept talking to me--it was kinda awkward. Then I spent the rest of the day on the beach with friends in Old Orchard...it was 87 degrees today

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