Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Clustered & Flustered

The paddle out was brutal. At one point my leash was so entwined with seaweed that I wasn't even moving. I was about to give up and call it a day, but forged ahead. Finally, I got out to the lineup. The whole Higgins gang was talking about where they surfed yesterday at the Ube (OOB)--Union, 5th, 11th...

It was so crowded with boogie boarders, stand up paddlers, etc there was hardly room to breath. One SUP guy was right next to me and starts to paddle right for my board then rolls his eyes as he misses the wave 'cause I'm in the way. Come on! I had enough. Caught one wave in and called it quits. Just way too congested.

It's good though. You need a session like that to cut you down in size.

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