Monday, August 8, 2011

Tourists Go Home

Sweet little waves here today, but way too many people (wading) in the water. Debating between Baja California (I'm all set with that noise) and Nova Scotia (although no more CAT) for my next surfari.


  1. Big Wave,

    You need to publish a dictionary of definitions of your surfing/cool dude lingo. Don't know about the other geeky old guys, but I for one don't know what you are talking about half the time. Another gripe, I am not always sure if you went someplace, went recently, or are just referring to it. You been outta Maine since you returned from FL w/your Dad? And that pic of the white Jaguar. Now, I know for sure you haven't carried your surfboard on it.

    Like you said, I'm high maintenance w/my questions. I'm still looking into mobile phone, internet and TV reception all on one $30 gizmo.


  2. Fred you've got to get with the program. I'm not using any unusual lingo. I can't hold your hand throughout the blog. If you wanted that service you should have signed up for the membership. Membership has it's privileges.
    Big Wave


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