Sunday, August 28, 2011


Irene has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm for Maine. There will be no surf today, but there should be some really good action Monday & Tuesday (there always is after a storm). Don't tell that to these 3 cats though. They can't even walk with their boards let alone get into the surf. The girl with the green board is the one who did the switch stance at Higgins last week.

Drove by Camp Ellis this morning. They are gonna get whacked--they always do. An incoming wave crashed on the rocks and hit my car. It's not even big out there yet and they are getting that.

They radio broadcast said stay away from the ocean at all costs. Um, slight problem...I live at the ocean. Last night with the weather as calm as could be hundreds of seagulls took flight seeking refuge. Funny how animals know these things. They must have heard the same radio broadcast I heard.

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