Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Not Anymore

I used to be anti dentite, but not anymore. My dental hygienist is really cool. She remembered that I went to Hawaii, did yoga, pilates.... She asked if I was gonna surf in the winter. When I told her I was, she said, "ooh it's gonna be cold". I told her, "not in Hawaii". She thinks the whole wwoofing idea is awesome.

Caught one wave tonight where I made the turn and was trimming the wave. I could see the wave was about to closeout. I didn't know if I could stay up during the closeout. I guess that would have been the spot to try a cutback (yeah right).

When I got home there were two firetrucks, two ambulances and two police officers in the driveway. No wonder my taxes are so high. Someone in the building burned some food.

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