Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Wow, it's been a long time... Hitting waves sure beats having dreams of your neighbors trashing your board in the elevator. My first wave was so sweet, it was almost one and done. A short board woulda been good today. One wave, I popped up and next thing I know I'm landing in the trough on my log--tough to ride a wave that way.

You know you're done when you wanna catch one more, but you can't quite get out beyond the breakers.

"Done, done, and I'm on the next one
Done, I'm done, and I'm on to the next"


  1. Concerning those neighbors that are abusing your board in the elevator .... that's a bad sign and doesn't sound good


  2. Yeah, it was just a dream (or nightmare). In the dream, when confronted, they denied, denied, denied but told me not to leave my board in the elevator.

  3. Sounds like you need to hold a board meeting.


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